Meguiars Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
$19.9900 $21.0400
UPC : 070382010522
Meguiar's Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
Part Number : Meguiar's Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
Sub Part Number : Meguiar's Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
Manufacturer : Meguiar's Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
MPP : 0.0000
Category : Paint and Body Equip Supplies
Sub Category : Meguiar's Automotive Soft Buff 6" Foam Finishing Disc
ShipWeight : 0.50
Length : 6.00
Width : 5.00
Height : 1.00
Stocking : Y
Reorder : Y
Self Contained : N
Warranty : No warranty
Features and Benefits:
- Lower profile, smoother feel
- Better quality finish, more efficient performance
- More pad rotation, less operating temperature
- Less "ticking" on surface
- Less chance of DA haze
Meguiar's new innovative low profile Soft Buff DA Foam Finishing 5†& 6†pads are optimized for advanced finishing results from increased pad and DA polisher efficiency. Improved foam technology eliminates minor surface defects while restoring a luxurious high gloss finish with no swirls.".
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