COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
$13.4900 $20.7900
UPC : 187288000035
COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
Part Number : COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
Sub Part Number : COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
Manufacturer : COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
MPP : 0.0000
Category : Wheel and Tire Service
Sub Category : COUNTERACT BALANCING BEADS 3 oz. Counteract Balancing Beads - Four Bags
ShipWeight : 0.80
Length : 4.50
Width : 4.00
Height : 2.00
Stocking : Y
Reorder : Y
Self Contained : N
Warranty : 30 day warranty on material and workmanship
Features and Benefits:
- Includes 4 bags of 3 Ounces each (12oz total),4 valve caps and 4 valve Cores. Premium treated glass internal tire balancing beads.
- Made in North America, use this link to find out how much you need visit
- Only balancing product on the market proven to increase fuel economy! Only balancing product with documentation to prove it;
- TPMS Friendly, Extend Tire Life, Decrease Vibration, Balanced for the life of the tire, No Wheel Weights, Eco-Friendly.
- Counteract does not void any tire warranties and does not break down inside the tire. Trust the experts, we have been manufacturing the same product for 20 years. Do not be fooled by inferior copy products.
Counteract Balancing Beads are the economical way to balance the vehicle wheel assembly for the lifetime of the tire. Made of coated glass spheres, our balancing beads will not cause damage to the inner liner of the tire, they won’t clump, regardless of excess moisture and are TPMS compatible. We guarantee they will be the best method of balancing your tire and complete wheel assembly.
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